Friday, September 8, 2023


The wild weather has done damage to our powerlines 
We haven’t had any power since midday 

The shed really can’t function without power do the boys have locked up early and gone home 

Ana was asleep at the time but woke up to no telly 
Not a huge problem. But as we don’t have any gas I couldn’t cook her a hot meal. 
Her daddy took her home so she could eat a proper meal and not snacks 

It’s now six and I’ve got all the candles lit. 
The fire has been going since last night. 

I’ve had a Hot bath 
And I’m rugged up. 
Got an audiobook going. 
The website say’s estimated time of power coming back is around eleven tonight 

It’s hubbys birthday today   I had planned to get Ana to help me make a cake. 
Oh well.  A drink or two in candlelight will have to do 


  1. Happy candle lit birthday. Sounds as if you're coping.

  2. I missed yesterday's post, didn't show up till today. I looked up efharisto, ah, means thank you! I studied classical Greek and it would sound different. We used to have Greek friends, and the husband would get very irritated at English pronunciation of Greek origin words -- such as therapeutic! He'd insist "it's therapeftic!" He was a bit outnumbered though.

    1. I’m always prepared. Just like the girl guide lol
      That reminds me of the dad in big fat Greek wedding.
      At the end he would always say.
      “And there you go!”

  3. That looks really atmospheric - just needs a few 'fairies'. How come you have in internet connection? Phone?

    1. Using my data on m phone. I even have a sim in my iPad so I can use it even when not at home. Gotta be prepared for all eventualities

  4. Those photos look so romantic. You'll have to enjoy a bottle of wine and chips with hubby. A very Happy Birthday to him and many more of them.

    1. We had a few drinks, and some nibbles
      And then I went to bed and left him in charge of the candles power came on over Night
