Saturday, September 2, 2023

Garden spam

Bulbs bursting into flower 

Nasturtium going crazy. I’ll be cutting this back 

Blossom on fruit trees. 
They all got a very hard pruning two winters ago. So I’m very glad to see they’re not dead 

The veggies are coming along 

Chickens weeding and feeding 

Remember the cheap packet of mixed seeds. 
Look how full it’s getting 

This morning’s harvest of eggs 
The girls are busy giving me lots and lots of eggs 

It’s cold out but the sun is shining and it feels like it’s going to be a lovely day 

I’ll soon head off to art class and then maybe potter outside 

Hubby has gone to the farm to clean up the entrance so we can get our caravan in. 

Exciting times ahead 


  1. I miss having my own patch of dirt more than I expected.
    Does this mean you will be heading down this way, soon?

    1. Once we have the amenities set up. We will come down. Composting toilet has been ordered

  2. It's lovely to see everything budding up and developing. What's this about maybe going to the farm?? Full report when that happens, please.

    1. We are not moving. We Will go down and camp weekends
      And check on any livestock we will have

  3. Such a lovely garden. How nice of your girls to give you all those eggs. Obviously happy girls!

    1. So many eggs! Luckily our daughter is coming today to visit her dad and I can off load some

  4. I love the fluffy feet on the chooks. Your garden has really filled out since you started building all those raised beds.

    1. It’s at the point where we need to start harvesting lots and preserving them
