Monday, September 4, 2023


More strawberry crowns. Must have plenty  for princess Anastasia 

She’s been checking the strawberries every week! 

I’ve planted potatoes in one of the large garden beds. Just two rows. Should get enough to share with the kids 

I’ve sown the tomato seeds. I ended up using four packed in this large seedling tray   I’ll used the strongest seedlings and hopefully get a decent crop this year. 

I also weeded the other strawberry pots and the rhubarb. Cleaning out the dead and dry leaves 

I need to top up some pots but I’m done for the day 

I swam, shopped and did a load of washing

Now to sit and rest before starting dinner 
I’ll keep working on my crochet blanket 


  1. It's odd reading about your spring garden when mine is starting to slow down. Strawberries, great.

  2. All looks like you'll have a bountiful summer. Meantime keep your Princess smiling 😀
