Friday, June 30, 2023


I’m so tired that my yawns have been yawning 
After unpacking sorting and cleaning yesterday I’ve come to a complete stop 

Ana and her daddy came to visit as it’s grandma day. But I’m just not up to babysitting. So wonderson took the day off to look after her. 

So I’ll keep resting and recovering 

Here are some garden pics for you to peruse 

I need to do some weeding 

The alpacas looking at me like. Who is this person 

Hopefully I’ll be back to normal, or my normal anyway in a few days 


  1. You need a vacation to recover from your vacation. And yes, those alpacas are looking at you very suspiciously, VERY suspiciously indeed.

  2. Welcome home. Your garden looks great.

  3. Your gardener did a good job. Garden looks great. And those alpacas! Such cute faces

  4. Take care of your self.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  5. Your garden looks amazing. Take it easy and rest. It is much harder recovering from jetlag when you fly east to west.
