Friday, November 17, 2023

And so, it begins

Because hubby and wonderson finished work early today I decided they could help me do the hard work of getting out and putting up the trees 

Even Ana helped. Although she kept getting distracted 
It is boring work 

We put the trees up and wonderson put the lights on. 
Once again little Ana wanted to help. She was a Good little helper. For as long as she lasted lol 

The fibre optic tree. It’s getting old now. I don’t know how bright it will be. But it’s a perfect size for where it is 

All the hanging decs on the window light up. So it will be bright enough 

Both big trees done skirts on and all greenery vacuumed up 

The front door has a new wreath. It’s gorgeous and made for me by my friend who now lives in Queensland 

So part one done 
Over the weekend I’ll decorate the trees. I won’t over do. I’ll just plod along 

There’s a long way to go. It’s a marathon not a sprint. 


  1. The wreath is gorgeous. Your friend has talent and taste.
    Lovely to see dear little Ana helping. She's a wee elf herself
    I see your house will be full of Xmas cheer .

    1. It’s for the grandkids. I love seeing their faces when it’s all done

  2. Wow, plural trees. You really go all out. This will look great lit up.

    1. More trees coming. But these ones are the main ones.

  3. I like how your trees flank the TV in perfect symmetry. And what a lovely front door wreath!

    1. Thank you. Yes I’m a bit ocd when it comes to symmetry
      I have wonderful crafty friends
