Thursday, November 16, 2023

Book day

Today I got up and got the house ready for the cleaning lady.

I then went outside and took more cuttings from a plant I have out the front 
Fingers crossed it works. No pressure as I can just pop next door and buy more lol 

I then went out with my crochet and audiobook to keep from being under foot 

I also got delivery of my two new “real” books 

I love stitcheries and I’m sure I’ll be able to make lots of fun ones from these. 
I can them make them into cushion covers , wall hangings table cloths and runners, and 
Yes. Even quilts. 

There perfect for hot days when you don’t want to be working with yarn 

It’s been a long time since I’ve bought actual books so I was a tad excited 

I’m now back inside, it’s chilly out there today 
And working on my big crochet blanket 
A new audiobook started as the one I was listening to finished 
And a long overdue coffee

Specialist appointment this afternoon 
To discuss our next course of action 
I’ll let you all know what we decide 

In the meantime. Keep crafting 


  1. I did cross-stitch in the 1990s and had a bunch of projects/books I was hanging onto until retirement when I'd have more time to do them. Well, now I'm retired and my eyes are crappy. Don't think I can see well enough anymore to do cross-stitch.

    1. These are not cross stitch. I can’t see to do those either. These are much easier to see and you just follow the lines

  2. New projects, not crochet! This is a change. Yes, let us know, as far as you want, about your health plans.

    1. I love to do the stitcheries. There’re great for small hot weather projects.

  3. Hope you have a helpful session with your specialist . I used to like cross stitch. I learned from the old women here, many years ago. Haven't done any for a long time

    1. Yes definitely a hobby for young eyes I think.
      Stitcheries are so much simpler
